twiinklex ❤

Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.

Rainbow comes smiling through

Monday-Friday here.
Thursday here.

3-4 September, Saturday & Sunday

I tend to leave my weekends for family 🙂 and I make it a point to go down to my grandmother’s every Saturday because there is a lot of food and a lot of people too! Saturdays are usually Jamie’s day off work, Evelyn and her baby will be there, so are my other cousins, etc etc 😀 so lively!! I’ll update about a typical weekend there in another poast sometime 🙂

Anyway like every other Saturday I went over and the cousins were talking about going to this Japanese restaurant called Waraku for lunch the following day. Because they’d bought vouchers online. Went to Jamie’s house with bro to stay over but my parents went home after playing mahjong. They came to pick us (Jamie, her dad, bro and I) the next day to Marina though and all 6 of us were squeezed into the vehicle 😀

There were 10 of us in total so we had to sit at 2 separate tables (back to back) which is one thing I didn’t like!!! So hard to talk and share food and take pictures. What is this. Stupid!!!!!! We are here as one family, not two >:@

Everyone ordered something different and this is my set meal! Each set was close to $30 and came with a lot of different things depending on what you ordered. Mine has chawanmunshi, udon, rice, beef patty + ebi fry, and that bowl of vegetables

I guess everything was pretty okay but I barely touched my food because 1) I’m not that hungry 2) I’m not fond of Japanese food so I ended up giving other people most of my food LOL. The only thing I finished was the egg {;_;} I feel like I wasted money because it’s so expensive and I didn’t even eat half of it, sigh.

Mom loves beef so I gave her the patty and she said it was very nice.

Jamie’s soup from her seafood set. Mom had the kimchi set. Dad’s set was chicken and the chicken is super nice!! Don’t know what the rest had because they were sitting at another table. But Janine played with the food until there was rice all over the floor muahaha.

Best person in my life ok

My parents 😀 😀 😀
So rare that my dad poses for photos!!!
Even rarer to have a picture of them on my blog hahaha please ignore how big my mother’s arm looks here.

Me and Jamie ^^
Ok I look like a mess because I didn’t get my usual chance to dilly-dally and preen myself at home since I stayed over. You might notice that I am wearing the same dress as I did Thursday because it was my mom who brought clothes over for me (since the staying over was a last minute decision) and she didn’t know what clothes to pick so I told her to just bring this. Hard to think off-hand what clothes you have in the wardrobe while on the phone as well.

Bro, Janine and me!

She dug into my bag to find my camera and laughed whenever she sees herself in the preview screen.
And also made bro and I chase after her outside the restaurant in a circle after eating. Then mock-cries to cause a scene if you stop her from going outside or refuse to chase after her.

Series of pictures taken with Jamie’s iPhone which I put together 🙂 !!
Am I artistic yet

Anyway come to think of it, it’s my third time at Marina in the week hahaha. Wooo had a super good time then afterwards we walked over to the Comex fair where it was packed like !@#$%^& omg I hate crowds. Went back to Jamie’s then played some mahjong, went over to grandma’s for dinner (Chinese food and rice is the best ok) then back to Jamie’s for mahjong!

And yay this marks the end of an absolutely delightful week 😀
Thankful for everyone who’s been a part of it!! ❤❤❤

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