twiinklex ❤

Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.

Tag: school

Too long to tweet

Thankful for my production team mates 🙂 We fangirl, go chomp chomp, tumblr, etc etc and yet still manage to make good progress in terms of work. And there’s always the added bonus of how we have an Attendance Manager (Qiya), Hard Disk Manager (Nyna) and Equipment Manager in the group which makes things a lot more convenient 😀

Shall blog about our Chomp Chomp experiences (a lot of nice photos yay) another time! I wanted to tweet about the different things that happened today but I don’t want to spam Twitter so…

I love how I can unload all the feelings I have from a book/film on Nyna!!! #TheChosenOne Because she doesn’t mind spoilers and can tolerate the scary/gory stuff that I always watch hahaha.

Was talking to her about The Ruins today and she watched the movie trailer but I refused to tell her who the enemy was. She said that she’ll make me tell her by the end of the day. I controlled myself all the way…. till 4pm. And she didn’t even do anything to make me spill! I was reading the book on my laptop and just had to talk about it with someone.

It’s hard to imagine a book about killer plants being so good and suspenseful but it is!

I have also her gotten hooked on Battle Royale’s novel yay 😀 today she came into class exclaiming that she loves Kazuo aka the most psychotic person in the story and we both started screaming and jumping around because I thought I was the only one! Can’t wait till she finishes this and The Ruins hehehehe

Also, I need to stop showing people in class the deformed corpse in the manga and letting them read the paragraph in the book that describes it. But sharing is caring right :’)

Anw, we covered one story at noon, and planned to start another after lunch. In the end, they ended up watching EXO-K videos till 6pm and I was secretly glad and even stayed the extra 30 minutes just because I wanted to read my book LOL what even. Also… historical moment because I started dancing to the videos with them. To KPOP!!!!

Soon meme

First was learning all their names. Second was identifying their faces. Third was saying one of them is good-looking. I am now at the dancing stage omg -_-  What will become of me by the end of the stopover?! Nvm, we are pretty even because I can’t shut up about TVD and books and movies also :’D

Pretty sure we are the group that makes the most noise in class HAHA

The one who took the picture is out of frame ahahaha
I am so happy we all get along and are discovering all the many things we have in common #fuckyeahcoffee

Shit I get up to

Hola! Lying down with my phone :3

Sometimes I think the point of school is lost on me. Did close to nothing these 2 days in terms of work. I spent the whole of yesterday reading Battle Royale’s manga on my laptop and the whole of today reading The Ruins and talking about films on Yahoo Answers 😀

Gah, I brought my laptop yesterday with the intention of doing work (the Macs in school screw up the format of our scripts). So today I decided not to bring it hoping to be productive but still the same. Can I just watch movies, read books and blog all day pl0x?!?!?

But yay I think I appeared to be busy doing work ahahaha. Super hooked on Battle Royale’s manga and The Ruins!! Last week I took MC on Friday because of internal Niagara Falls (if you get what I mean) but the main reason was to watch TVD’s finale. Then the days before that were spent browsing blogshops.

Wanted to buy these 3 dresses and I even asked quite a few people for their opinions and everyone said I should!! But the rainbow one sold out before I could make an order so now I’m hesitant because when I want something, I want it to be perfect. In this case, I want these 3 dresses but left 2 only so not perfect already!

The weird thing was that I liked them so much that I dreamt of them being sold out. So when I reached school, I went onto the site to check and the rainbow one was really gone ;_;

That and they are all overpriced compared to the $10 dresses I usually buy being “overseas imports”. But the third one is on sale at $14 now and it’s like so tempting but I don’t want to just buy one and waste the postage! Buy more got free postage! So I’m most probably not buying but still keeping thinking about them sometimes hahaha.

Still thinking of my mirror wedges and heart printed romper (if you remember this) and waiting for my brown high cut shoes from Rubi/Cotton On to go on sale (why did I not buy during the 30% storewide discount last year? And yes I have been coveting it for more than a year already) boohoo.

Hope I can find all of them for cheap prices someday or even better, hope I become rich then yay.

one day meme

Also, just because I talk about all the various shit I get up to during class doesn’t mean I do absolutely nothing work-related (other than these 2 days LOL). I just can’t be bothered to talk about boring stuff!