Picture speaks a million words
January 19, 2011
Original photo on the left.
Added in colors to make it more me –
New hair color, black surroundings because I’m a night person.
Anyway, just thought this picture sums up about everything.
Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.
January 19, 2011
Original photo on the left.
Added in colors to make it more me –
New hair color, black surroundings because I’m a night person.
Anyway, just thought this picture sums up about everything.
“When something is not for you, it will hurt you until you understand it.”
RT @iamtishaaa: what a privilege it is to eat well enough to be full. what a privilege it is wake up even when tired. what a privilege it i…
did people think swarovski was like claire’s accessories