twiinklex ❀

Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.

Month: August 2013

More disturbing search terms

There, there, it’s really okay… I Google for way too much weird shit too so who am I to judge?

Lololol sorry whoever searched for the one about ‘fucking’ and ended up disappointed because there is nothing close to the act on my PG13 blog HAHAHA. He/she probably got directed to the ‘My lecturer is a teenage girl’ posts where I was complaining about John Ho. And since they are complaints, I probably swore.

All the period and panties-related terms would be because of the ‘Reasons why periods suck’ post, which funnily remains one of my most popular entries even today. When I wrote it, I was a bit paiseh and had no idea girls would like it and comment on how relatable it is.

Another still-popular post I’m proud of would be the ‘Guide to fixing your Tumblr ask’. Had no idea it would actually help so many people, and thank you everyone for the feedback and sharing the link around! πŸ™‚

Just a fun filler post in my attempt to update daily. Done writing another proper entry but I’m waiting to receive photos. Trying to schedule and auto-publish as many posts as possible too for when I’m away in Bangkok next week.

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In other boring news, I dyed my hair! Don’t think you can tell from this picture, though it’s not very obvious in the first place anyway. Just an ordinary brown. I was helping my mother dye her hair, saw an extra bottle of Liese hair dye from last time, and decided to join in the fun too.

What an awkward selfie, taken when I just woke up today… I very nearly deleted it right after posting it on Instagram. Yes I installed the app again, this time on the iPad I bought for my mother. Been using the iPad quite a lot lately because of Carousell and I am amazed by the camera’s stunning clarity. It’s like even better than my digital camera??

Love you all readers, especially the regular ones! ^^

Bluergh! Yuckiest pasta ever

Many of you probably know that I love pasta. And that I wouldn’t mind eating it for everyday (once I ate it for three meals straight). Not just any type either, but it has to be spaghetti in spicy tomato sauce. So I think it’s fair enough for me to judge which places serve yummy pasta and which places suck.

Had dinner at Orchard ION’s The Marmalade Pantry with You You on 15 January (lol wtf can you believe it has been 7 months because I can’t?!) and I can safely say it’s one of the most awful places I’ve eaten at. Of all pasta places I’ve tried, it would be right at the bottom of the list.

Not to be confused with The Marmalade Toast, also at Orchard in Ngee Ann City, which I’ve yet to visit.

the marmalade pantry

Nothing to say about the service, which was normal. What I cannot stand is the exorbitant prices despite how awful the food is. Probably because of the location and ambience. Quite empty when we went there actually.

marmalade pantry

Apparently they have a 1-for-1 promotion on Mondays, but it was a Tuesday when we went there, meh.
And I’m certainly not going back again -.-

marmalade pantry spaghetti carbonara

You You’s spaghetti carbonara with bacon, poached egg and parsley at $24.
Way too thick and creamy.

spaghetti carbonara

They don’t even have a lot of variety, only four different types of pasta dishes in all.

marmalade pantry seared scallop linguine

My seared scallop linguine with tiger prawns, also at $24.

First of all, it tastes like crap because I have no idea it would come in this weird, ill-tasting brown sauce. The menu said ‘bisque’ and I highly doubt bisque is supposed to look like that. It’s just… bleurgh.

Secondly, there were only two prawns and one piece of scallop, which I can only describe as ‘miserable’. I have eaten hotplate seafood pasta of similar prices at other places, all of which came with generous helpings of sotong/prawns/scallops/mussels/crayfish. Not kidding, I will post the photos another time in a separate entry.

seared scallop linguine

Eventually we got so sick of our food that we did a swop. Refreshing change but that doesn’t mean the food tasted any better. Guess I’m just appalled that expensive food can taste so bad. Forgot how much the total bill was but there was the 17% charge too so thank goodness we didn’t order drinks or anything else. The place is so overhyped -.-

Went to watch Silent Hill 2 after that which is another TROLOLOL should I take you seriously or not movie. I don’t hate it though… Trashy over boring, any day! The charm of both Silent Hill films (I liked the first movie) lies in the visual effects, setting, backdrop and atmosphere. Not the plot and definitely not the scares.

We laughed so hard even before the movie started because something was wrong with the screen so it kept expanding and closing. Oh, the one time we decide to go to Shaw Lido instead of our usual Cineleisure…

The poster was in 3D which I thought was cool, though we watched the Digital version. Holding cups of Smoothie King which has also become part of our tradition (more about that next time) πŸ˜€

Best friend of 7 years πŸ™‚

Places that serve good pasta:

– My mother πŸ˜€ β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†
– Longhouse’s western stall at Upper Thomson Road ($5+, no extra charges) β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†
– Eighteen Chefs at Cineleisure ($8+ and comes with ice cream + iced lemon tea, 7% gst) β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†
– Trattoria at 313 Somerset ($15-$25+, 20% off total bill for students on Tuesdays, 7% gst + 10% service charge) β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†
– Pastamania but everyone knows that already β˜†β˜†β˜†β˜†