twiinklex ❤

Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.

Domain enquiries

Some of you have enquiries about my new domain so I’ll answer everything once and for all in this poast 🙂

How did you get your own domain ( ?
It comes together with the shared web hosting plan that I purchased. Everything costs $80/year, including $20 to register  a domain of my choice. This is a self-hosted site.

How long have you had this domain?
I bought it around mid-December and officially launched my site on Christmas Day itself 🙂

Where can I purchase one of my own?
I bought mine on Sparkstation.

What happens after the purchase/what do you have to do to get started?
Loads of complicated technical stuff (e.g. setting up your database) that a friend helped me with.

Which site/platform are you managing your blog and blogging from? which in all honest opinion, is the best I ever had.

Where did you get your blog theme from?
I installed a free one available on WordPress and then slowly customised it myself, to how it is now.
The original looks like this:

Wordpress theme

If you have anymore questions, don’t hesistate to let me know and I’ll add it in here!

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