twiinklex ❤

Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.

Even regular days are wonderful

Very out of the blue update. I always have this non-stop monologue on what I’m gonna write in my blog in my mind except that these thoughts never transform into words.

Busy juggling work, sleep, social life and personal time and I’m pretty happy with the way things are turning out. I just need one more thing to happen and my year/life will be perfect, you know?? /prays hard!!!! But honestly, 2013 is one of the best years I ever had so far 🙂

Today (April 8) was another regular working day but I am in high spirits like with most days. There are just so many things to be happy and thankful for everyday. Did life really improve by leaps and bounds or had I been too blinded by all my negative thoughts in the past to notice?

– Met Andre who was going for a job interview at Clarke Quay
– Really nice when people make the effort to meet you even if the catch-up time was as brief as a train ride
– Food I packed from grandma’s house last night for brunch which I ate at my desk yum yum
– Work was fine, some good catches and editor was funny by telling us to go for lunch because he wanted his steak
– 4 of us went to the gym together and editor told me my steak made him 1kg heavier bahahah
– I’ve been running regularly and maybe it’s just endorphins but it contributes to the happiness factor
– Sat down and chilled for awhile while discussing movies and TV shows
– Got home to a warm, delicious meal cooked by mommy dearest

Ok I am gonna try reviving my blog with such pointless daily updates with no real purpose other than memory’s sake. Now I’m angry for myself for not doing so sooner and I’ll probably not remember what happened the past few months when I read my blog again 10 years down the road. But a lot does happen everyday…

I said I’d do this for 2013 but I didn’t and now I’m kinda mad at myself cos if not it would probably be quite full by now. Aiya nvm I shall rely on my blog but hopefully I am reliable enough lololol ain’t I hilarious. Well anw most important thing is, I’m really happy 🙂

Cheers to even greater things!!!! ❤

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