twiinklex ❤

Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.

Tag: life


Ok I should stop being cynical/disappointed/jaded about life in general. Think about what I have instead of what I don’t. I was telling Farah the same things I said in my previous ‘Milestones’ post but she pointed out that I have achieved a lot in my own right also.

“It’s not like I’m writing any groundbreaking, life-changing, prize-winning articles.”
“Technically you did win an award for Best Story.”

Lol Farah and I are always ranting to each other. They say misery loves company and that unhappiness shared is divided (while joy is doubled) etc Really applies in our case hahaha.

This means a lot to me! Was quite a surprise cos I didn’t even know we were having the award presentation that day nor was I aware that my editor had nominated me. So grateful and it’s moments like this that make all the slogging my guts out worth it.

Even my presentation on Thursday went surprisingly well. It was a really huge thing because the guests were all from prominent companies and they paid to attend this workshop we were hosting. My editor-in-chief told us, “Don’t be shy. You are selling your expertise and have the results to prove it.” But I still always feel so self-conscious.

After I finished my segment, everyone said I am now so much calmer as compared to when we hosted the very first workshop months ago HAHA. Even my editor came up to me and said, “Good job, you were the smoothest out of all 3.”

I think I can die happy ok?! Ok la I guess I really had a lot of practice over the past few months because we have been playing host to so many visitors and organisations! Students, foreigners and delegates, PR professionals etc.

Was just thinking about what a journey it has been and how different things are now as compared to when I first joined. Truly thankful for all the opportunities and experiences.

I’m so exhausted this week though. Worked more than 12 hours today and I still have a shift tomorrow. Even lousier sleeping (part insomnia, part stress, part nocturnal, part reading/browsing and eating habits than usual…

But yes, life is good and beautiful and I need to savour every moment. Just need to stop thinking about unworthy stuff that only upset me pffft.


All these engagement, wedding, pregnancy, giving birth posts on my social media feeds getting tons of likes and congratulations. Plus these people are people I used to go to school with i.e. my age!!!

Then there are friends posting about graduating school with a degree or getting their driving license. Or former colleagues leaving their secure jobs to pursue their passions. Cue Instagram photos of exciting adventures in exotic overseas locations.

I feel even more pressured to reach these milestones’ in life too, especially the degree and driving license. But truth is I have zero interest and passion for those things, even though at the same time I think they are necessary because society dictates so.

But do I really need to achieve these ‘milestones’ to be ‘happy’ and ‘successful’ in life?

I do like the things I’m doing right now, but it’s not like I’m writing any groundbreaking, life-changing and Pulitzer-winning articles either, be it work or personal.

I cannot even commit to updating my blog regularly even though I have so many exciting stories to tell and admittedly sometimes I feel like the stuff I publish at work have zero value.

Guess I still have a little time to figure out what it is I really want.