Before I start, would just like to say this. You might have noticed that I don’t reply your comments here. That’s because I don’t like the idea of commenting on my own blog and messing up my stats (I don’t even log my own visits).
But like some of you might know, if your comment requires a reply or I have something to say back, I reply you on SMS or MSN or wherever alternative instead :}
So don’t worry!
I wanted to blog some more yesterday but didn’t have the time to. Went shopping in the afternoon with Buddie and bought crazy loads of clothes and shoes HAHAHA yay 😀 then she helped me do my nails at night. Niceeee 😀
Anw, I just realised that it is kind of cringe-worthy having WilliamShakespeare read and comment on the poast where I called Shakespeare my husband. Haaaah. But who cares ^-^
Slept only 4 hours today!
Rewatched scenes from dramas on Youtube till 3am+ because that is how mad I am. Woke up at 7am even though classes start at noon, thanks to laptop configuration.
Today I finally got to configure my laptop and install all the crap! Thank goodness, it was the last day already. Came at 8.15am and waited ages for a queue number with a handful of my classmates, I was Number 22!
Was laughing like crazy with Nyna and Nicole about how we used to write “autograph books” in primary school, with all the color pens. All the cringe-ish stuff we wrote. And if primary school students are still having this trend. Oh goooooodness, can’t stop laughing!
Waited eons again for my turn. Then waited donkey years while I watched the guy do all the work with my laptop, while I sit and watch. At least they help you do all the dirty work ;D
Class started at 12noon and some of us were lateeee. By few minutes.
We are still getting lost! Took the lift up and down several times. And it was rainingggg.
Uhm, uber funny experience.
We weren’t the only ones getting lost lor. Some indian guy also. He went out of the lift first then we went upstairs, only to realise that we were on the wrong level. So we went down and the same guy came in again LOL!
And we were laughing like mad and talking about girl stuff. Nyna said something and he totally cringed. Sooo funny!
Is today Laughing Day or something?
Someone suggested that we should create a Laughing Club because we ran and laughed all the way to the tutorial room 😀 Nyna can be the leader lah, she’s so funny!
Today’s module was Creativity & Thinking skills.
Quite interesting. Discussed about left brains, right brains and we did a personality test. Got organised into groups by Miss Soo for our first ICA. I’m with Sharifah, Ash and Mark! 😀
ICAs are In-Class Assessments. It can be anything – projects, presentations, written assignments, group or individual. ICAs and class participation combine together to give you a grade for that module. I don’t really have proper examinations, other than for 2 modules hehehe 😀
Had General Studies modules after that.
Appreciating Leisure Lifestyles was first, and I can’t believe I fell asleep within 5 minutes when the teacher started speaking. It is sooo boring compared to the main modules I’m doing in my course.
We did Visual Arts for this week… I don’t really know what’s going in… I only opened my eyes when Mr Kumar said, “Look how large his penis is” at the painting {?} of the God of Fertility (don’t know Roman or what) on the slideshow.
I doubt it is because the content is boring. Got about history and Gods and stuff, should be interesting right? Is the lecturer not engaging enough. He speaks so softly (and his voice keep ~~) and it’s like hynoptism -_-
Ohwell. Anw we can download the powerpoint slides from website so I just zzzzzzzzzz
I can’t believe even GS modules got ICAs T___T
I was sitting in the second last row and thought I was being very inconspicous.
But later when lecture ended and we exited the theater, I learnt that apparently all my classmates had realised I was sleeping!! HAHAHAHA.
Cyber Awareness next and it’s supposed to be even more boring but I didn’t fall asleep. Actually the topics looked quite interesting. Unbelievably. And the lecturer’s voice was louder, plus he can’t pronounce properly so it’s quite funny.
So I believe it is the lecturer’s problem, not the content!!! HEHEHE okay lah, I’m just kidding, not blaming other people.
Ohya I heard that SBM students will do third languages GS modules in Year 2.
Lastly, look at the trending topics on Twitter tonight:

Someone save me from this madness please.
Tell me, so what if {insert tag} is trending? What does it do?? What benefits do you get???
Honestly, I don’t get it.
Usually there is a few interesting topics trending such as #TheresNothingLike {continue your tweet…} and #SometimesItsBetter etc etc. You see everyone tweeting different interesting stuff with the tags.
But then some people just like to screw the whole thing by spamming. It’s all right if they aren’t spams. But in this case, people are just typing e.g. I♥SuperJunior ten over times in a single tweet.
And they even create many spare accounts to spam even more.
All these just to make a word or phrase a trending topic.
2 days ago was my husband’s birthday and even I ain’t that obsessed!
Ohno, dreary long poast againnnnnn 🙁