twiinklex ❤

Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.

Fairytale perfect

Think I should stop watching so many films and reading so many books. I’m getting really really affected by all these reality and fiction crap. It’s messing with my head and warping all my thoughts so badly. I really hate this me because it’s making me a very uncontented person and I don’t want that… Life is already going very well for me so I just wanna be happy with what I have now.

Why am I like that 🙁

I haz big dilemma!!!

I wanna watch 3 different shows/movies on 3 different channels but they all show at about the same time!!!

Movies on Channel 58 and Channel 62 on cable…
But also want to re-watch Cruel Temptation on Channel U…

I only have one pair of eyes plus I don’t want to waste electricity by switching on more than one television…

What a big dilemma!
Told you, life is not easy!!!

HAHAHA okay I made it sound like some big emergency. Lighten up, I was just joking! 😀 Don’t get your knickers in a twist… even my mother has a great sense of humour.