twiinklex ❤

Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.

Too cute!

What’s super cute, totally lovely and absolutely adorable?

twiinklex™YAY ME and my bolster :]
LOL k joking. Just a teaser for the real thing!

twiinklex™ It’s so fluffy I’m gonna dieeee! ٩(◕ ‿ ◕)۶

twiinklex™Me love love love love loveeee why do I have such cute (understatement!!) furballs as petssss omg! *spazz mode*

twiinklex™Mimi and Miki drying off in their towels after a refreshing bath!

Love them so much, I don’t even care I’m allergic to their fur. I like burying my nose into their fur and sniffing their mousey scent and rubbing their fur against my face. That’s what such cute furballs are for ^-^

Even though I sneeze like there’s no tomorrow and my skin itches like crazy afterwards. Bathing them makes both my hands redden and itch each time but I don’t even mind.

Heck, animals are so cute and harmless even if they bite!! Once, I was petting a stray cat when it suddenly out of nowhere clawed at my hand and only let go after biting me. Made small holes on my hand which bled -_- Hahaha. Mom kept scolding the cat, even till now when we see it, but I’m all nvm-I-still-love-you just that I don’t pet it anymore.

Anyway, here’s 2 videos of them after their bath to end things up 🙂
Nothing much, just the both of them puffing up and doing rodent-ish stuff. Mainly I wanted to capture a video of their cleaning routine. SUPER CUTE.

At 1:55 you can see Miki licking my hand 😀
Voices are me and mom conversing in Hokkien.

At the beginnning, you can hear slight squeaking from them 😀
At 1:04 and 2:35, Miki and Mimi does their cleaning routines respectively!

Took me many attempts and loads of time wasted before I managed to upload both videos succesfully. Stupid internet connection/YouTube :@

Mmm kay bye, gotta prepare for 2 presentations tomorrow 🙁

P/S: Horrid unglam pic of me was taken by my brother nong nong ago.

Whatever happened to Cherlynn?

I want to blog so badly but I either don’t have the time, mood, inspiration, or energy. Gah.
Am having some trouble with all my photos and organising them {;_;}

Those on my laptop – awaiting editing/edited and to be blogged/blogged and waiting transfer to thumbdrive. My two Photobucket accounts (because storage for 1 is full -_-). Those in my camera waiting to be transferred to laptop. And a lot lah! Pffft.

And YouTube takes such a friggin’ long time to upload few minutes worth of videos! Wutt.

Sorrry please be patient.
I haven’t even watched Gossip Girl and Vampire Diaries for a week already 🙁

Oh and best of all, I have 3 ICAs and presentations due the coming week.

Title is in reference to some ancient horror flick titled “Whatever Happened To Baby Jane” LOL never watched it before but it was mentioned in my all-time favourite House Of Wax 😀