Boohoo I wanna blog but I need to start on my assignments already, to reduce chances of staying up the whole night trying to complete my work :3 All the pending work –
Written test of 6 chapters for PMM ICA1
Storyboarding ICA2 (individual)
Individual pitching for Chrispy ICA1
Group presentation and roleplay for PSM ICA1
Then the following week or whenever
Finance ICA2 (group work)
Photoshop ICA2 for Chanchan (individual)
10-minute individual presentation for Chrispy
Shall record the classes I’ve skipped for my own reference so that I can calculate and make sure I won’t get debarment.
4 hours of Finance lecture + tutorial (actually 6 but... heee)
3 hours of Chanchan's tutorial
1 hour of Ms Ang's tutorial
2 hours of Chrispy's lecture
Countless GSMs
Actually I like one of the GSMs and the teacher is nice but it is just too early at 9am. Class starts at 11am.
Wanted to skip next Tuesday and visit goat farm with WanYu but I realised I can’t skip a whole day of Finance again 2 consecutive weeks in a row. Ms Wong will miss me.
K baibai I love you all xoxoxo ♡♡♡
Group presentation and roleplay for PSM ICA1