twiinklex ❤

Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.

I am old

I keep meaning to get back into blogging but I feel so tired and lazy and it never feels like there’s enough time. Many things I wish I had documented (regardless of publicly or privately) because I like remembering and going back to read old posts since memories fade. Then again, maybe I didn’t write it down because deep down it’s not that significant.

I also thought about privatizing some of my old entries because CRINGE but end up I can’t decide which ones. Usually I’m talking in metaphors for myself anyway so it’s not like most people will get what I’m referring to. Or even anyone still reads this nonsense site. I did hide a small handful in the end… like I think, damn I’m a good writer but it wasn’t meant to be soooo.

Btw what did I ever share so many screenshots??? Cringe!!! I guess I am old. Now it feels weird to overshare.


I still cannot believe that 2 years passed without me logging into my blog at all. At the start I might have occasionally checked in to see if there’s still traffic but after some time it barely crossed my mind because #life. Funnily I still pay for the domain annually. Maybe I just like knowing that I have a space that I can return to whenever I need it.

I can’t imagine anyone still visiting this site… I have been re-reading my posts recently and find them super cringe LOL. I like that I have so much written down and documented though. Wish I had kept up the habit but then again, maybe it’s good that I MIAed from here because I usually only update actively when I’m dealing with a lot emotionally and need to unload.

There isn’t much to update because I have been super boring and a recluse ever since Covid struck. I look like a hobo most days and I cannot be bothered to socialise. Part of me loves not giving a fuck and how freeing it feels, another part of me misses my young, skinny, hot, motivated self lmao.

Achievements and milestones during Covid:

– Adopted a hamster who turned out to be pregnant and gave birth 2 weeks later. I kept all the pups so it was hectic trying to set up individual homes and even now the cleaning is back-breaking sometimes. But soooo cute and priceless omg…

– Spending thousands in vet bills. The most recent was putting Georgie to sleep last month after 5 months of vet visits. Every loss is devastating and nope it never gets easier…

– Reading over 500 books in 2022 lol what is wrong with me?

– Finishing countless dramas on Netflix, many of them more than once. Rewatching my favourite shows just feels so comforting. I never used to be part of the K-drama hype but now I get the appeal and am super hooked. I think I’ve watched Crash Landing On You ten times.

– I can’t believe how much I used to travel because I have not gone anywhere in 3 years and nor do I feel like going anywhere. In fact now I will probably collapse on my way up to Everest Base Camp with my current stamina, I don’t know how I achieved it so easily.

So yes I’m a boring old lady now. I also read somewhere that blogs are dead and everyone is on social media. Maybe I will try to resume my old life this year, who knows.

Btw, how is it 2am already?