May 15, 2010
So yesterday I mentioned that I had a 4 hour break. I left out a very imporant part and forgot to poast pictures, so here’s a poast to make up for it 😀
Camwhored with my webcam with Clique!
We tried every distortion this time, some filters and a few frames.
As usual, more normal ones first.
Top: Darilene, Dian
Bottom: Judith, Me, Geraldine
♥ Marvellous people ^-^
Tried to add animated effects but fail –
Supposed to have this big red lipstick mark in the middle too
But our sense of timing is so horrible that the animation ended before the shot was taken
3 times all fail (Y)
See the top? It’s an animated effect – the only successful one
Think Darry and JuJu trying to act poke the bubble and Gerry trying to act eat the bubble ._.
Trying to have the “snowflake” on tongue effect – also kinda fail. HAIZ!
I like this :}
Trying to cover our eyes with our fringe. Gerry & Dian had difficulty because their hair too short? Think JuJu look the most awesome and natural buahaha 😀
Using our jackets as hoodies and acting cool (Y)
Love the next two shots!!!
Can you tell that I was actually laughing already, with my mouth open?
And Darry’s fingers on my head is a nice effect which I’ll leave to your imaginations 🙂
All never brush teeth one
Seaweed hair
Can’t tell that this picture actually has 5 people in it.
Ohno we’re being blended together to form whatsit!
Imagine if someone’s fingers can really curl until like that
I like how I look 😀
Yeah I stretched my face until like that (as if!)
JuJu’s hair looks (Y)
None of these are my own fingers!
Duplicated until quite nice leh, I think 😀
The rest are taken before Darry came back into the room –
I ish small!! *happily deluded*
Unproportionate me – love my hair!!!
Wooo I love my webcam! 😀
And here are some more pictures taken in the past week, which I haven’t had time to put up before 🙂
Taken on Wednesday, after DFVP tutorial 😀
Most of the class came in orientation tee or wore blue like Nurul told us to. No special event, just for random fun?
I skipped CCA with Gerry & Darry that day. I don’t want to go any CCA if I had a choice -_-
We stayed in school and waited for it to start at 3pm but when it was 3pm nobody felt like going. So we said we will go later at 4pm but then later we decided to just skip. LOL stayed in library to gossip instead!
Iced tea @ $0.90 0nly – super niceeee 😀 ♥
My $3.80 lunch – worth it right!!!
Chicken chop, spaghetti and potato wedges (Y)
Omigosh yum times infinity 😀 ♥
Wednesday night was emo T_T
And the next day (Thursday morning), was supposed to meet Gerry & Nyna at MRT to go school together only. But when I reached, I saw a big bunch of classmates there all waiting for me!
So touched (and paiseh because I was late) lah!!!
So nice of them to wait for me, think several knew about my emoing :X
Thanks everyone, you all rock!!! ♥
Class now has 30 people excluding foreign students by the way!
Lastly, I must stop skipping stuff and pay more attention in class.