I am so behind on blogging, I don’t even know where to start. Out of 20+ drafts, most of them about a more significant day in detail, are so long ago, I really wonder if I should even complete them and hit publish. It’s like so irrelevant already 🙁
Anyway I’ll just post all the random pictures I have but don’t belong to any particular occasion here. Title inspired by The Notebook’s tagline. Well, lengthy entry but there’s bitching here and there.
And admit it, you readers love posts with bitching.
This poast took me 5 days to complete -_-

Messing with the flower garden that I blogged about previously. It’s 4am and I have Powerpoint open as you can see, because I was supposed to be reading my notes for exams!!
Anyway it was quite a challenge trying to fill the whole screen with flowers because the petals will fall off one by one slowly. And the bottom was the hardest to do because the stem is so thin.
Nevertheless, I think it’s so pretty :’)
Wish I knew how to embed all the interactive stuff like these directly on my blog!!!

Doodled this on Paint when I was bored.

This is how my blog header looks like on most browsers. Might differ for IE and older browsers. Tried for ages to make the header image a clickable link and do away with the words but to no avail.
IE users who encountered problems while trying to view my site – the only solution I have now is to view in Compatibility Mode or go to Tools > Compatibility Settings and add ‘twiinklex.com’ into the list.

Footer should look like this.

My Tumblr dashboard theme 😀
The icons and background come separately.

Was feeling nice so I shared the link with instructions to do it. Then everyone started having their own theme too *rolls eyes* But I guess I’m fine with Tumblr people… a few even gave credit to me. Which I appreciate.

My Mall World phase.
First naked girl is yours truly.
Being a newbie with nothing but starter clothes, I entered the fashion show in my birthday suit. And I beat everyone else hands down HAHAHA. What a fluke.
There’s this girl called that I got to know through Geraldine and she liked this photo on Facebook. Few days later, she liked another photo of mine. It’s a different photo but from my Mall World album too, where I put outfits together for my friends and tag them. That outfit wasn’t even meant for her but she liked it anyway and then went on to comment the following…

Copy me and didn’t even bother to be subtle about it. Come show off in front of me instead wor :O
Think she knows I’m not best pleased cos she shut up and didn’t reply.
Whenever I see her in school and she comes to say hi to Geraldine, I continue walking ahead and ignore her. HAHA. Why some people so buay paiseh one???

Bored in class. KevJumba tweeted about being on LiveStream with some other YouTube stars like Chester See and David Choi so I went to join in. But I’m not on cam. I thought got my Ryan bb!!! Since the whole bunch of them are good friends. BUT DON’T HAVE WTF HOW CAN 🙁
Quite funny though… Dominic doing crazy dancing in the background while these 2 stuffing as much as they can into their mouths HAHA. But no Ryan so… meh.

My very first attempt at typography using Photoscape. I know it’s super amateurish but I just wanted to try, and post in on the fuck-yeah-quotes Tumblr, which I’m a member of. I think I’m using this background too much but super love it!!

I think I have poasted this before… but no harm reposting 🙂

For Gerry’s birthday 😀
YAY CHIN!!!!!!!!!

So many inside jokes… ♡

Read from bottom!

I saw this tweet almost immediately after he tweeted it. I know his email is [email protected] but I went to Google his email for fans anyway. I emailed both accounts asking what he’s planning to do with them but Hotmail says sending failed. So I take it that the email addresses are wrong/not in use, nevermind then. Go do other thing and 5 hours later… I saw this –

I saw this tweet 5 hours after he tweeted it. Correct email leh, why cannot send wtf!!!!! And like so long has passed already + he has 600k+ followers so I can forget about being the first 11. Thus I didn’t try again but I was so pissed!!!
Fuck you Hotmail!!!!!
I am supposed to be damn early!!!!!
You ruined my chances of receiving something from my #1 bb!!!!
I am not desperate or greedy for some cards I’ve never even heard of…
Omg have you seen his signature before or not… Sexy face, sexy body, sexy style, even signature also sexy. Email address also so cute and witty and funny!!! It’s like his name shortened but also like ‘handsome’ LOL ❤❤❤


Went shopping at Kino and HMV with Wanyu few weeks back! So nice to see her again 🙂 and… I don’t know why I bought this lol impulse buy? But nevermind, I likeeee!

Weekend getaway with family and cousins etc etc at Aunt’s condo on 22nd January! We had a BBQ and there was a sumptuous spread ❤ Sambal sotong, taiwan sausage, otah, chicken wings, prawns and a lot a lot moreee. Homecooked dishes like fried rice etc as well. As you can see, all my favourites so… yeah 😉
Mad fabby can!!! All I did was sit there and eat non stop HAHA. With one cousin. And wait for people bring the food to us. Think we are the only ones with zero contribution. But nevermind, nobody’s complaining because we are princesses.
I laughed at my brother because he slipped while trying to get in the pool. Went to another side of the pool with Pris to soak our feet (there got the jacuzzi thingy also, and bushes to hide us because the security guard will come and scold if you go into the water without proper swimwear).
Then I geh kiang and did something-I-forget-what that made me slip and fall. Karma for laughing at my bro who was in his swimming trunks. I was in my normal dry clothes!!! -_- And I never bring clothes to change!!!
Phone was in pocket and that explains the picture above.
Hahaha it took a few days to dry. Not the first time my phone got wet so I wasn’t worried.
By the way afterwards we realised that because the pool area we were at was hidden by bushes, there was a CCTV above it just for that reason. We were standing right under the CCTV thinking we were damn smart. So much for being hidden.
Played mahjong for a while then Esther called me!!! I hate phone calls, hate Esther and hate people who try to distract me when I’m gambling. Didn’t even save her number and had to ask who she was. Doesn’t she get the idea by now???
I knew she was calling because of what I posted on Facebook –

Is that admittance of guilt????

Plurk friends approve.

She should count herself lucky that I was gambling and wanted to quickly the conversation, otherwise I would have said a lot more nasty things!!! -_- Another buay paiseh one, get scolded on Facebook still dare to call.
Anyway, I won money in mahjong ^~^
Went home to bathe and then I came back and stayed overnight! My parents went home 🙁
Watched Orphan and I think it was quite awesome.
Swimming the following morning followed by hotcakes at Mac! ♡
Dabao-ed lor mee to grandma’s for lunch. I feel damn bad because my cousin paid for everything and she didn’t want to take my money D:
Well I guess that’s about all. Had a really fantastic time with fantastic people 😀 love love love!!! ❤❤❤

PMM test 😀

Pretty braid that Vanessa did for me!
Super love it, thanks! 🙂

Nails done by mom 🙂
Meow stickers!!!!

Done by Darilene 😀
The hotpink + black last time (posted before) was done by her too!
Love both of my personal manicurists HEEHEE ❤

Saw some people sporting nails of this design after I wiped off mine *rolls eyes*
Hotpink + tips of another color.
I know I don’t own the design and I won’t say you copied but I don’t like people having or doing the same thing as me. Plus you had it after me. I’ll just say you were… inspired. People have told me that I’m inspiring, thanks for proving it <3

I went through a ring phase and ended up spending $53 all at once at Diva.
I have Faith, Hope, Luck, Joy and 2 of Love for that series.
The one on the last finger has “best friends” engraved on the heart with a pink gem (not in pic) attached. I bought 8 for YouYou, LingYue, WanYu, Darilene, Geraldine, JuJu, Dian and myself. Because I want to handcuff them to me forever muahahaha ♡♡♡

Done by Forever Alone while we were having Macs in school.

Burst of memories from childhood!


Have only tried the mocha one so far and I love it! Didn’t know there was a pink one… looks pretty 🙂
-This is the part whereby I decided to cut the Starbucks photos and paste into a new poast-

Shark’s fin cooked by mom! ♡
Feels as if I had a taste of heaven.

Don’t know if you can see the shark’s fin at the bottom middle.
White pieces are scallops which are my favourite *fly to heaven*

Laksa cooked by mom d^^b
Obviously a skill I didn’t inherit.

Sorry a bit messy because I eat a few mouthfuls already HEHEHE.

Best cup noodles ever 🙂


Seriously, this rocks!!!!!!!!!!

My favourite spread for bread is not Nutella… it’s butter. Sprinkled with sugar.


Forgot where we went.
Riding a fire engine or truck or whatever you call it.

Tata for now 😉