Hello hello!!! Just some overdue pictures of me and the girls mucking around as usual 😀

Don’t know why but we had a lot of classes cancelled and hence had what, a 4 hour break? Total waste of time right 🙁 but nevermind, went to walk around at AMK Hub… where I ended up doing something I shouldn’t {;_;} Like buying a new bag.

2 potterheads with customised T-shirts!
Btw we didn’t notice the sign behind until later.

Demin for the day 🙂

Camwhored a lot of solo shots too but I shan’t post.
Half of them were because I wanted to see which side I look better on hmmm…
Some random fine day…

I swear if they aren’t snapping pictures of me sleeping, it’s of Darilene with her head buried in her phone reading fanfics. HAHAHA we have a whole collection of those!!
They always tweet the pictures and @mention us, and we don’t know until later ~_~

More breaks so we went to the library to chill. Oh damn I hate stupid long breaks like these!!! They’re alwyas making me do things I shouldn’t. Like this time we just had lunch but one hour plus later, I was eating spaghetti from the cafe {;_;}
Yum yum tum tum.

Being the fanfics whore’s guinea pig.

She gave up on the fishtail braid and did french braid instead 🙂
I can do neither….
Multicam in the studio 2 Fridays ago! (29/4)
We were taught about the stupid equipment and supposed to practice afterwards but as usual…


Wanted to do one of those solemn family portraits thing HAHAHA
Y’know the kind where everyone is all straight and stiff.

Then we each took turns for a solo except for Chin but nevermind her because she’s Forever Alone.

These are all taken from an iPhone and totally unedited btw!!
Felt like I’d spoil the pictures if I did anything extra.

Do we pass as a family???
Visit to some army camp on 4 May which is the stupidest excursion ever.
I think Primary 1 go zoo and Primary 3 go Science Center also better than this shit.
- It was raining cats and dogs and elephants and hippos
- Ended at 6pm and I reached home at 7pm
- Wasted 6 hours of my life ‘cos school on a normal Wednesday ends at 1pm
- I refused to partake in any of the activities
- I refused to take anything from there home, not even mineral water
- Planning and organisation seriously fail
Didn’t even know no shorts and slippers were allowed.
Precisely what I had on… not that it even matters.
Thank goodness we didn’t have to trudge on mud (on a rainy day!)

Realised that negative effect turns the tree behind a pretty purple so :3

Was going for the old-vintage-look to get the horror movie in a haunted run-down building feel…
Inspired by a Hong Kong horror film “The Park” which I’d seen.
This whole entry is a perfect example of how shitty days are made loads better by awesome people!
Original photos plus more not uploaded on Facebook :3