twiinklex ❀

Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.

Month: May 2012

Food again

Watched The Avengers with the girls and Hariz two weeks ago!

“I like big Boosts and I cannot lie” (x)
Really love Boost because it’s so refreshing!! I love Skinny Minnie Melon and Citrus Crush πŸ™‚
Anw mine was the first cup and I was desperately trying to suck the juice up so that you can see it in the straw like the other cups. Sigh, obviously didn’t work.

Hariz bought the combo and gave the cup to Darilene.
At first it was another character but she went to change to Captain America hahaha

Went to eat at Just Acia and the rest is history…

The Avengers is probably the only movie that lived up to the expectations I have from hearing people rave about it everywhere, online and offline. Turned down at least 5 invitations to watch it with other people because I was adamant about not watching it more than once and I made plans with the girls to watch it even before the movie was released πŸ˜€

When I have plans with people, even if they are still tentative, I always keep to you unless I actually don’t want to go out with you at all HAHA. Okay la nothing much to say. Mood is too meh to blog properly these 2 days. All I wanna do is read and watch movies actually. Feel like I’m losing interest in Tumblr too but I’ll elaborate another time.

So boring, read so many books and watch so many films but no one to discuss them with most of the time.

You entered the wrong blog?!


Omg yes I actually went running today… did one round around the school (CCHYS) under my block and then walked another round. Okay don’t judge me, I know I’m very unfit! The last time I went running was actually at least 2 years ago -_- slowly, slowly.

Been wanting to go running for quite long already (used to like it back in secondary school) but today is the day I finally had enough resolve to get off my lazy ass and actually do something. Wanna get rid of my round face and tummy fat!! Hariz said I have puffy cheeks like my guinea pigs hahaha [not offended because it’s a fact my face is round]

And yes I took that obligatory awful “scenery” photo above because I remembered my tweet and had inspiration for a blog post! πŸ˜€

Qiya and I ran off to eat waffles (had a craving because I heard Mark say the word) in the afternoon hehe πŸ˜€

*can’t decide whether to go Macs or South Canteen*
*decides on South, can’t decide what to eat because we feel like eating everything*
*decides to buy waffles first and see how*
*can’t decide to buy waffles with fillings or with ice cream*
*I can’t decide between cookies and cream ice cream or butter filling*
*she can’t decide between chocolate or blueberry filling*
*she changes her mind to ice cream but can’t decide between yam or mint*
*finally start to eat our waffles*

Me: Wow I’m quite full actually. So filling.
Her: Ya same.

*about to leave canteen*

Her: Actually I feel like eating cup corn… and pancakes.
Me: Omg me too. I feel like eating nuggets and taiwan sausage.
Her: Shall we???
Me: You want???

*repeat one or two more times*
*let’s do it*
*she buys a red bean pancake and I buy a taiwan sausage*
*starts walking back to media hub*
*spazzing over almost-finished food*

Her: Actually I can still eat one more.
Me: … Omg me too.

We are terrible… terribly happy people! πŸ˜€
Love it when I’m with people who don’t make me feel self-conscious about eating!!

Oh god, life ❀ πŸ™‚