twiinklex ❤

Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.

Month: March 2011

Reasons why periods suck

  • You have no idea when it’s gonna strike.
  • You could wake up with the red sea in your panties.
  • Or it chooses to creep up on you while you are out. Without a pad.
  • It’s never on schedule no matter how long you’ve had it.
  • That icky feeling that we all know.
  • Stupid bizarre cravings.
  • No cold drinks. At all.
  • OMG cramps – hurts like fuck.
  • 7 shittiest days of the month.
  • Whereby I don’t feel like doing anything at all.
  • Except lie down and squirm in agony and sleep.
  • You wonder why you have to put up with this shit every month
  • My usually near-zero productivity is reduced to negative.
  • Feel like the crappiest and ugliest person ever
  • But you don’t even care anymore
  • Just willing for the days to pass quickly and it to be all over
  • Pads aren’t exactly the most comfortable thing on Earth.
  • Must remember to carry extra pads when going out.
  • Have to avoid white bottoms and go for dark colors.
  • The smell is like rotten fish.
  • Your pee is red not yellow anymore.
  • I don’t even like the color red.
  • Peeing and pooing are more gross than ever.
  • The constant feeling of want-to-shit-don’t-want-to-shit
  • It always leaks especially when sleeping.
  • Not only do I have to keep changing pads.
  • I have to keep changing panties and sometimes my pants too.
  • Don’t even talk about leaking when you are outside.
  • Staining your bedsheets is worse than staining your clothes.
  • So you gotta sleep in some awkward position to avoid that at all costs.
  • After taking a shower, you can’t wipe your vagina with your towel.
  • Because the blood will stain it.
  • So you have to put your underwear right away without drying it .
  • And it feels all weird.
  • My already rotten temper takes a turn for the worse.
  • You can feel it flow when you sneeze, cough, laugh, jump, stand, ANYTHING.
  • And then it repeats all over again before you know it

Inspired by x and x

Good things about periods:

  • Knowing you are not pregnant

How about dinner?

Dinner with 7 people

1. Ian Somerhalder

2. Ryan Higa

3. Spartacus

4. Cleopatra

5. MrsBieberOrDie

6. Meg Cabot

7. William Shakespeare

This was sooo tough because I don’t have a lot of idols that I love like crazy. #5 isn’t really considered famous but I would love to meet her. Oh and #1, your cat is invited too.

I think I’ll end up choking on my food.