Synopsium? Symposium.
April 2, 2010
Oh, the horrors. I have been misspelling ‘symposium’ as ‘synopsium’ for don’t know how long.
My past poasts, plurks and tweets.
Oh, the horror!
Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.
April 2, 2010
Oh, the horrors. I have been misspelling ‘symposium’ as ‘synopsium’ for don’t know how long.
My past poasts, plurks and tweets.
Oh, the horror!
scorpio, the way you bounce back is your superpower. own it.
@HumansNoContext Ever notice that men start wars, hit women, and violate their boundaries, and are shocked when a woman won’t take it?
Lol, i dunno what that word means but well people do make mistakes, besides, its onli short of another half a “n” thats all. Not many people will notice. Haha =D