twiinklex ❀

Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.

Month: August 2013

Photos posted on a ‘notorious adult website’

So last week something annoying happened while I was away and that was the photos on my blog all could not be viewed. In their place was an error message that I’d exceeded my bandwidth but the issue turned out to be something else.

I was about to rage at Photobucket because I’m on a Premium account which costs about $50 annually, meaning that my bandwidth should be unlimited. On the plus side, at least the error message — as generic as it was — was very flattering. Anyone of you saw it? Hahaha.

Anyway, I sent Photobucket a quick email to ask about my account, and this is part of the reply I received.

 photo pb.png

Wanted to ask more like which photos, what website, etc but I didn’t bother in case they didn’t want to tell me. Plus I was on holiday anyway. Glad that the issue was resolved quick enough though. And it should be… After all, I’m a paying customer! Ugh but seriously why would you even touch my photos… They’re not even PG13, they’re just… G.

Memorable conversations + my reactions

Still in Bangkok but I’m prepared hehehe πŸ™‚ Here are snippets of conversations I’ve had in my head for awhile because I like them so much :3 Unloading them here plus these are things I’d want to shelf away for memory’s sake in the future.

*talking about bunbunmakeuptips and her breakout incident at work*

Me: Actually I find her quite pretty.
Kenneth: Are you sure?
Me: Ya, with makeup pretty, without is okay, but now no la.
Kenneth: Huh serious? I think you look nicer.

I was totally like this picture in my head hahaha. Sigh but I was also thinking, “Maybe… if I was thinner’.

touched meme

*trying to pick best photo aka the one with the prettiest girls for club event*

Terence: How much would you rate this girl?
Me: Maybe… 6? 6 plus?
Terence: You go take a photo la. I give you 8.
Me: Siao ah. (totally in reflex, I swear)

I wish I could believe you but I am so not anywhere near an 8!

shy meme

*Talking about BCG injection in the past*

Someone: Actually what do they inject you with? Some virus?
Me: World War Z…
Kumar: Stop watching so many movies.

HAHA I am proud of all the movies I can reference and quote okay πŸ˜€ After all, how can I let all those time spent watching movies be in vain? Once someone mentioned a movie I’d watched and Huimin said, “She (me) always becomes like that (fangirl mode: eyes light up, animated voice, etc) when talking about movies. ^^

proud meme

*Talking about weight loss*

Meredith: I want to lose 10kg.
Me: Me too.
Everyone: What?! But if you lose 10kg, you’ll only be XXXkg!
Me: But isn’t that the point…?
Kumar: Cherlynn you trying to promote anorexia?

I know it’s stupid but it makes me happy to know that people think I look fine (because I don’t) enough to be anorexic if I lose more weight. Sorry that 3 of these snippets are about my looks/weight hahaha I’m so depressing and shallow πŸ™

cute meme

*talking about Paranormal Activity*

You You: I can smell the fifth one already.
Me: Same! it’s not even that nice but we know we are gonna watch it anyway.
You You: Why do they keep making the movies ah?
Me: Because there are people like us.

Well… it is tradition πŸ˜‰ #seewhatididthere #tvdreference #delenaquote

shrugging meme

*Trip to JB with David who I wasn’t even touching in any way*

Promoter: Buy give your wife.

poker face meme

*Another trip to JB, buying tickets for The Conjuring*

Counter guy: Any kids?

I don’t even have a reply to any of these… I am so not old okay?!

eyebrow raised meme

*complaining about how people are nice only because they expect something in return*

Me: Like this annoying guy… keep buying me things even though I said I don’t want them.
David: You don’t want, just keep and give me. Say you stress and want to smoke, ask him buy you cigarettes then give me.
Me: *continuing with rant* I just relented and gave him money because I don’t wanna take his things for nothing.
David: Don’t need give him money, save the money and treat me to movies.
Me: Then he said. ‘It’s ok, you just owe me dinner’. (which brings me back to the point of my complaint)
Me: *sudden realisation* Eh if I give you the gifts I receive… it’s like you are my pimp.

lol meme gif