twiinklex ❤

Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.

Talking to Shakespeare ♥♥♥

Shakespeare conversation

Direct link HERE

Sorry if you were misled into thinking the 3 words were “I Love You” or “Please Marry Me”.
I WISH~ But this is enough for me 😀

This is from Plurk. Obviously it’s not the actual Shakespeare risen from the grave and things like that. Probably just a fan, who plurks lines from Shakespeare’s plays and sonnets.

He hardly responds at all to his own plurks and I have never seen him respond on somebody else’s plurk. So when I saw him responding to someone on this particular plurk, I started ranting like a mad fan.

I wanted to say, “I love you like {insert metaphor here}” but I realised that no metaphor was good enough. So.

As for what I said about the bed – Shakespeare wrote in his will that he will leave “the second best bed” for Anne Hathaway his wife. It’s probably some “inside joke” thingy among them, and the “first best bed” probably doesn’t exist either. But still.


Only three words, but that’s enough for me <3 And nevermind the fact that he isn’t the real Shakespeare. I sound like some crazy giggly fan! Perhaps I am no different from those obsessed Beliebers after all ^-^

Imagine if Justin Bieber replied you on Twitter, how would you feel? I know of someone who has been counting the days till Justin Bieber notices/replies/follows her back.

There is a Twitter Trending Topic War today. #JustinBieberSucks has been trending all day and is still trending :O Miraculous. Someone said Twit-Salvation has arrived.

Justin Bieber itself hogs the list of trending topics every single day though.  Don’t get me wrong – I don’t think he sucks, nor do I hate him. But neither am I a fan of his so I don’t care.


Sing me the song in my heart

Blossoming Tree

A stranger stabs you in the front;
A friend stabs you in the back;
A boyfriend stabs you in the heart,
But best friends only poke each other with straws.

I’ve been wanting to publish this poast since forever so I cannot believe it took me more than a week to get this done T.T Why am I so slow? It’s about how I spent my Good Friday actually. With YouYou! ^-^ Yay fantastic. ♥♥♥

Met YouYou at Bugis and I was so crazy excited to see her!!! It’s been like, so many months! Think I ran up to her when I saw her and shrieked her name :DDD and she seems excited too! *happy* Hahaha.

Went to eat at Yoshinoya for “old times’ sake” *wink wink* and I knocked the heel of my left leg at the wooden seat and scraped a big chunk of my skin OUCH bleeding OWWWW!!!  Okay no gory details.

Went to shop around everywhere ~ Both of us overspent but we were too happy with the things we bought lah! 😀 Okay let pictures do the talking!

Pink dumpling

I bought thisssss from Artbox – pink dumpling 😀


YouYou bought the yellow one and the rice heehee 😀


I love Artboxxxxxx (L)
I can’t stop buying their notebooks!

MYUK pencil case - The Wallet Shop

Bought a new pencil case again from The Wallet Shop -_-
YouYou bought a white one of another design

I can’t believe I bought a new pencil case again when my old one (also MYUK product from The Wallet Shop) is still so new! Everytime I enter The Wallet Shop, I’ll definitely walk out with at least one new item T.T just can’t resist all their products, MYUK or not. Everything is just so chio!

MYUK pencil case - The Wallet Shop

I spent a long time choosing as well – white one nicer, but I already have a white MYUK pencil case and white gets soiled easily 🙁 Oh, the internal conflict!! But decided to buy black one anw 😀 finally.

The last time I went to The Wallet Shop, I spent more than an hour choosing wallets.

The Wallet Shop

YouYou’s and mine 😀


Why is their merchandise so nice?!
Bags, wallets, pencil cases, EVERYTHING!
I wanna go buy a bag next time… white or black, you think is better? :O hahaha!

Black bags

Our bags! Mine’s the one on the right with words in front 😀

Black bags

I bought my bag few months back when I went Bugis Street & YouYou said it’s nice, so we went Bugis Street and she bought one of similar design for herself ^-^

These bags cost only $12.90 each, a dollar less than the pencil case -_-
Cheap right! (L) very nice also 😀 I love my bag!

Went into ABC Stationery (or something like that) and I saw this…

Sheep bolster

It’s a sheep bolster!!! *screams*

I wanted to take a picture with it but the stupid shop assistant kept hovering around, and I had to wait ages before she was willing to get lost >:( In fact, we were on the point of giving up and leaving already.

Sheep bolsterI would buy it… except that it costs nearly $30 and even I ain’t that crazy 🙁
Nooooooo T_T

Bought a few other things as well but too lazy to take photos everything. Most of the above pictures of what we bought were taken when we went to sit down at the cinema lobby to rest LOL
So are some of the pics below:


We decided to wear Sec 2 class tee to reminisce LOL!!





Then go toilet take somemore lol! I think this kind of thing, you only will do during your crazy teenage years. I doubt any adults will go toilet just for the mirrors to take picturesssss 😛







I lov
e my best friend 😀

Went home at around 3plus because YouYou had to do her Project Work. I had such an amazing time! ♥♥♥ 😀 Hope next time we get to go out again in a group with LiQin hehehe.

Finally, a proper poast in days ^-^
Signing off with my fat face as usual HAHAHAHA!


Thankyou for reading!
I crazy love all my family, friends, fans, followers & readers! ^-^