Lent some fucker my Vampire Diaries Season 1 boxset dvd and got it back today. I’ve only watched the whole dvd once myself (22 episodes, set of three, 5 discs) and lent it to two people including this fucker. So the condition of the whole boxset is perfect becase it’s like a prized posession to me and I think everyone knows how much I love TVD.
So today I got back my precious baby in this state…

Holes on the front of the box.
Looks like someone used a pen or something to poke at it continuously and deliberately.

Edges of the box on every side are all torn and worn out

A whole tear at the bottom

Dubious crack on one of the CD covers itself

How can you be so irresponsible towards other people’s belongings? You know, I rarely express negative emotions in front of people, especially not the people who I’m upset at. But then I was so furious that I was swearing at the fucker and I didn’t even bother to be polite anymore. And I left with a curt “bye”. Sooo fucking angry that I don’t even mind ending our friendship. UGH fuck you seriously. And I know you are reading this so fuck you fuck you fuck you!!!
I know I appear like I’m overreacting, it’s just the physical appearance of the box and cd covers. The discs themselves are probably working fine (hmmm you never know tho). But it’s so ugly now I cannot even bear to look at it nor do I want to think about it ‘cos the more I think about it, the more fucking angry I get.

But no one, I repeat, NO FUCKING ONE, will ever understand how much I love Vampire Diaries and all things related to it. No one has any idea how much this show has taught, helped and saved me. Yeah you can say it’s just a show – that’s why I say no one will ever understand. This is like the only American drama that I bother watching and keeping up with, and also my only obsession and passion right now in my shitty life. I ship Delena so hard it literally hurts that even watching fanvids can make me cry and I get sooo defensive of Damon even though he’s merely fictional. I’ve got nothing much planned for the holidays after exams but one thing on my to-do list is definite – I want to eat Delena breathe Delena live Delena and I’ve been looking for challenges to do on Tumblr.
Okay? No one will understand.

I know TVD will never be a legacy like Harry Potter but just imagine – TVD to me is like Harry Potter to you Potterheads out there. And my dvd boxset being ruined like this is like someone spoiling your HP books.
Exam paper was okay-ish… last 2 chapters I didn’t really study didn’t come out! A lot that I studied didn’t come out too 🙁 Oh and I passed by this altar at the void deck on the way to school so I prayed for the exam to be smooth-sailing. Lol yes I need all the help I can get {;_;} was also so focused on getting out of the exam venue by 5.15pm (otherwise can’t leave early anymore and still have to wait for them count all the papers until like 5.40pm?) that I forgot about crisis strategies -____-
Thanks fucker for ruining an otherwise fine day for me.
He was all, “Next time if I ask you to lend me things, don’t lend” and I replied, “LOL wut there won’t be a next time.” Seriously damn upset now {;_;} and not a single person understands my pain!!!