twiinklex ❀

Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.

Month: August 2013

Kicking in the backseat

Been going to JB a lot recently, sometimes even an impromptu weekday trip at midnight (which is part of the fun). Love these quick getaways, however short they were. Here’s three separate trips combined into one entry (took days to finish), latest to earliest πŸ˜€

28 July (Sunday)

Believe it or not, I woke up at 7am+ which is earlier than the time I wake up on workdays -_-
Carpooled with David and Chris and off we go! Reached about 10ish I think.

jb dim sum

Some of the dim sum we had for breakfast… the rest we ate before I remembered to take a photo. Forgot the shop name but it’s quite cheap. Unusual too because ordering aside, the staff also walk around with all the food and you just pick whatever you want.

monitor lizard

The guys wanted to play Go-Karts and the journey there was a bitch because the place is so secluded and hard to find. Made loads of wrong turns, route was bumpy, uneven and fraught with potholes, reached one place and realised that they’d relocated but alas, we finally got there.

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Aww so sweet :”) Hahaha! I strongly objected to playing because if there is one thing I fear as much as interviews, it is driving. Thank goodness I didn’t because the guys said the circuit was treacherous and even they, experienced drivers, found the vehicle hard to navigate.

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Lol no we’re not dating/secretly seeing each other/in denial of our (non-existent) feelings despite popular belief. But every single person I know (even my colleagues who have never met him) comes to the wrong conclusion anyway. Please, we’ve known each other for 7 years!

starbucks banana chocolate cake

Went to the Premium Outlets where you can find stores for practically every luxury brand but barely entered them and ended up at Starbucks… again. Chocolate banana cake (courtesy of Chris) and Java Chip frappe πŸ™‚

Chris: Did you guys buy anything the last time you all were here?
David: Yes… *raises Starbucks cup*

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Left: Worn out from Go-Karts
Right: Brain freeze and headache from Starbuck
Me in the backseat: Sleepy from waking up earlier than usual

Hahaha thanks guys for taking turns to drive and lead the way!

tom yum steamboat
tom yum steamboat

Tom yum steamboat for dinner! πŸ˜€ The kind that comes in sets and then you can top up with ala carte items. So delicious… can’t believe it all added up to only SGD$5 each! Plus their chilli sauce is really spicy and awesome.

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Went round looking for nice bars but ended up at our usual hangout. Such creatures of habit, aren’t we? Even ordered the same old bucket. They even gave us free chips and let us sing in their karaoke lounge for awhile.

Lol at first Chris volunteered to take the sucky chair but then he saw that David and I left a gap between each other on the couch. So he told David to move over because he ‘wanted to sit with us’ and I was like HE’S DOING IT ON PURPOSE DON’T THINK I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO DO LOL. Anyway, his plan failed because he ended up in the middle πŸ˜›

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At the carwash and this was taken from inside the vehicle. Am I artsy yet?
Had lok lok (a must-have everytime I come to JB now) but it’s not as good as my favourite stall.

20 July (Saturday)

One of my favourite trips ever, with David, Chris and Abigail πŸ™‚

jb bak kut teh

Yummy bak kut teh for lunch πŸ˜€
Then this David actually secretly wanted sushi (again) but didn’t say anything except drop hints here and there so…

sushi king

At Sushi King (cheap but I’ve had better) and this is only half of what we ordered. Lol having our orders taken and being served our food took ages but ask for the bill and it’s the complete opposite. Topped off our meal with Starbucks afterwards… and it’s only midday hahaha.

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Decided to watch Man Of Tai Chi (exceed my very low expectations) but the only good timing was for the LUXE theatre. RM18 each which is still cheaper than Singapore. Cinema was near empty and the seats were so spacious πŸ˜€

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Had two buckets since there were four of us this time but I went to the toilet at least seven times in the next 30 minutes. I know it’s normal but even at Mulligan’s with my colleagues, I go to the toilet more than anyone else -_- and no it’s not because I drank more.

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Christopher, Abigail, David and me πŸ™‚

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Took many attempts to get decent shots because of all the flashing disco lights.

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Food, food and more food yay. BBQ stingray though it’s not as good as what I’ve had in Singapore. Chilli isn’t spicy enough and feels like it hasn’t been been barbecued to the right degree.

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Lok lok from my favourite stall which has the most kickass chilli ever. Sigh now I’m craving it all the time.

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Lol it’s funny how they were playing Badges Of Fury on a big screen for public viewing, which was the very same movie David and I watched a few weeks back when we were last in JB.

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Went karaoke after that but we only sang for an hour because it was pretty late. Then we realised we were actually just getting warmed up and it wasn’t enough πŸ™

30 June (Sunday)

Was on leave, hehehe. Only me and David this time. Went to loads of places including Bukit Indah, Sutera, KSL, Premium Outlets, watched a movie etc but I didn’t take photos until dinner at Manhattan Fish Market. I slept a lot during the travelling :l

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Really good mussels!

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~~ My Magic Bread Sticks ~~
Lol I think I manually blurred the background till the photo is damn weird -_- (?)
Cos my camera can’t focus properly for nuts.

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Food took super long to come and we were suggesting theories as to why. Like maybe they overturned the whole platter and had to cook everything again. Was so freaking hungry followed by so freaking full…

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Sigh time passed so quickly during all three trips even though they lasted from morning till after midnight!! πŸ™ Partly due to spending so much time on the road, getting to places. Might be going to KL next πŸ˜€

So bummed because the three of them are in Langkawi and I didn’t go with them. Thought I couldn’t go at first so I told them to go ahead without me. Realised I could go but they already booked tickets and prices had increased. The cheaper alternative was to take a coach and transit at KL but they said I’d definitely get lost. David offered to change his plane ticket into my name while he take the coach. Made me super touched hahaha. But it was so last notice and troublesome so I insisted they go ahead without me.

Felt like I let them down because they were all so keen for me to go… though it’s enough for me to feel so wanted :’)
Love how spontaneous everyone is. Hope we get to go on more trips together!

What if I die before I finish these

Applies to everything actually. People tell me that I buy too much but they don’t understand that it’s never enough. Be it books, movies, clothes, shoes, bags. I can always buy and keep them first. Though half the time it’s the thrill of buying and owning things I don’t need πŸ˜€ Whatever, I ❀ all that I own and feel a profound sense of pride just by looking at all I have.

So many movies to watch this year!!! Was telling some people about how the cinemas have earned a lot from this year. Particularly Cathay. Particularly its Cineleisure outlet -_- But seriously, everything is so nice or or looks so good.

Want to watch these so bad:

The Purge (like since forever)
The Conjuring (I want to watch every single horror movie actually)
Before Midnight (waiting for a torrent as it’s the dialogue-heavy kind of movie that’s more suited for home viewing)
Catching Fire (the only series whose trailer can make me so overwhelmed that I cry and get goosebumps)
This Is The End (why hasn’t this been released in Singapore??? The date was said to be 18 July!)
Tales From The Dark Part 2 (saw Part 1 few days back yay I fudging love Hong Kong cinema!)
Great Expectations (ended screening before I got to see it T_T)
That Girl In Pinafore
The Bling Ring
American Hustle
Romeo And Juliet
Stuck In Love (because Jennifer Connelly)
The Internship (because Owen Wilson)
Passion (Rachel McAdams and Noomi Rapace? I’m in!)
Getaway (lol the third Ethan Hawke movie in this list but I genuinely want to watch the movies for their plot)
12 Years A Slave (why would I pass up another Steve McQueen-Michael Fassbender collaboration?)
Paranormal Activity 5 (its release date has been pushed back from November to January next year WHY)

Lol and the list will only expand as time passes. My watchlist started off a year ago with 58 movies and as of now, it has 938 titles wtf I kid you not. Thanks to Yahoo Answers for letting me know about so many interesting movies. My film lists on Tumblr add up to only 300+ movies.

Planning to create a Goodreads account and organise my reading list too. My accounts on Fictionpress, Fanfiction, Wattpad and manga sites all have a Favourite list, a Following (what if you guys never update and complete the stories ever again?) list, a Reading list, and a Completed (those not good enough to be in Favourites) list HAHAHA.

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Proud of my cheap outfit:

Bow tube dress – $7
Fake leather jacket – $1
High-heeled fur boots – $10

Unfortunately the same can’t be said for accessories:

Silver necklace – $13
Forever 21 bow clutch – $25

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At Cineleisure (see what I mean hahaha) last Friday.
Still using my lousy spare phone even though it’s been months because I am still undecided as to which phone to change. Now I feel like getting the Note 2 even though it’s too big because it comes in pink LOL

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According to the date on this photo, I got this pair of heels on 23 April last year, at a basement sale in Northpoint πŸ˜€ Size 36 was on display so I tried it on but it couldn’t fit. The salesgirl said the only other size left was Size 41 and I felt super sad (I’m a 37) but asked her to let me try them on for the kick anyway. Wouldn’t you know it, it actually fit like a glove! O_O Probably due to the small cutting.

Day made!!!!