twiinklex ❀

Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.

Month: March 2011

Suspicious Activity

  • Yesterday my Facebook account liked 3 pages that I’ve never seen or heard of before on its own
  • This morning I had to re-authenticate my Twitter for Android (usually it stays signed in)
  • I could sign in via mobile web but not Twitter for Android
  • Received a email with the subject, “Richard, welcome to inSing…”
  • Obviously I am not Richard and I have never visited inSing before

Fuck you all hackers and people who anyhow use my emails.
Big fuck you.

Also my laptop has gone a little mad.
It hangs and refuses to recover whenever the notification saying “Symantec Protection is now turned off” or something appears. I have to use the main switch to restart. Sometimes when I shut down, it stays at the stupid blue screen which says “shutting down” forever and I have to turn off the main switch instead. So far it has also reset all my browser settings to default twice.

My Android phone keeps lagging and hanging today as well! Usually it is slow enough in responding.





Bwah bwah bwah low on inspiration and mood to blog this week!
But I guess I should update something instead of posting TVD all the time…

Today feels like a very busy day.
Was out shopping in the day (did I mention puking out my beloved Pastamania lunch twice T^T) and then –

Geez why is it so hard to blog here?
Tweeting and writing on Tumblr is tons easier wtf.
Is it better to have very little blog traffic but you can write freely and easily, or is it better to have tons of traffic but you can hardly write anything satisfactory? Cos now something called EXPECTATIONS exists?

Anyway after months of my Tumblr Ask and Submit not working (I knew it – the problem lies with SingTel), everything is finally working fine again yay! You have no idea how happy I am because the Ask feature is quite important to me.

Emailed Tumblr a long time ago and all I got was a patronising one-sentence reply from some bitch. Nothing was done and I never heard from her again. Few months back I emailed Tumblr again and I just heard from them again recently (very efficient right?).

Anyway I guess they really tried to help me this time but found that the problem lies with SingTel. So I emailed SingTel and they gave me instructions on how to change my settings etc etc. Tadaaaa!

I was so euphoric that I went to all of my Tumblr followers’ blogs ( nearly 600) and dropped everyone (okay, those who enabled their Ask function) a nice personalised message, thanking them for following me and stuff. Quite a long message actually and I tried to say different things for everyone hahaha.

Unlike most people, when I get a new follower, I don’t go to their blog and see who is it or follow back. And I hardly ever reply their messages also lololol (nothing much to reply what!). But that doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate them okay <3

So yeah, that’s what I spent most of my night doing.
It was sooo tiring. But at least it made people happy so it’s worth it πŸ™‚
I am nice to people who deserve it.

Geez I wish Tumblr would have notifications for when someone answers your message. I am definitely not going back to check out all 500 over blogs and seeing their response LOL. Though just now I did go back to a few to see πŸ˜€ Cos they reblog and like my posts so often until I can remember their usernames already HAHA.

Ohya, you know when I publish a poast, the links are automatically shared onto my various sites (unless I uncheck the option before publishing) right? If you all want to like, please like on Facebook and don’t like the Tumblr one!! Cos I delete the Tumblr links after awhile. Thank you πŸ˜€

Also one more thing!
I feel a bit bad for what I blogged about the Japan disaster (sigh I called people stupid againnn even though they are just trying to help) and what I tweeted about Earth Hour. I am cynical like that.

Although nobody complained or anything, but now I realise that it seems quite harsh and may come off the wrong way. So I sincerely apologise to anyone whom I’d upset! <3

And last of all, I saw a rainbow on Sunday ^^ I was at AMK hehehe.
No pictures though because it was only a small portion and it faded quite fast!

Okay byebye more next time.