twiinklex ❤

Bad decisions make good stories. And I always have a good story.

Month: March 2011

Hoping for the best, expecting the worst

Hello hello. Got back our results for the semester 2 days back and thought for quite long whether to post it up here. I shall try my hand at something new – Expectations & Reality! Those on Tumblr would get what I mean o(^▽^)o



F for Finance and Com Tech because I have no interest in these 2 modules AT ALL and I have been shitting my way through. Heck, I didn’t even study for Finance exam because I gave up already.

A hypen means I don’t have any expectations, not even the worst case scenarios because I never even bothered to think about it. Those 2 are GSMs actually… and I hardly ever attend the classes so I don’t know what’s going on.

Blank = don’t know.

The only module I had any hopes at all for was PMM because I studied quite hard for the exam (for my standard) and I already scored a distinction for the test. I wanted an A at least or maybe even a distinction though the group work probably pulled me down zzzz.

Anyway I thought out of all 4 exam papers –

  • PMM was the most direct and heavy on theory
  • PSM crushed me because I found it so hard {;_;}
  • MBSM tested all the boring shit I purposely chose not to study
  • Don’t even talk about MFM

So I woke up at 11am+ to check my results online and…



Upon first glance

Semester grades

Then I looked closely at ‘Media Financial Management’

Is this real life Tumblr meme

Remembered Chanchan and looked at Com Tech

Tears of joy Tumblr meme

Saw the A and distinction

Is this fantasy Tumblr meme

I swear this was exactly how I felt. Especially the wonder towards Finance. I got 15/30 for the test which is like a D? -_- After the exam, Dian & I were comparing answers and every time we got the same answer, we squealed. Hehehe.

As for Com Tech, I think the last ICA on web design saved me. We didn’t even do HTML coding. At least I picked up something in all my years of blogging. I’m totally inept at Photoshop and I’ve never even heard of InDesign so those 2 ICAs were disasters.

One question in MBSN asked, “What is narrowcasting?” and I answered, “Opposite of broadcasting.” I should get brownie points for my cheekiness or for at least trying lololol.

I know my results are not brilliant but to me it’s quite okay already~ especially considering the (little) time and effort I put in. I posted my results here just for the sake of entertainment lololol. Hope you all enjoyed it! 🙂

Lastly, I share with you all one more meme.

Hug computer meme

Today my mom said she likes guys with a stubble so I showed her Ian Somerhalder’s pictures. Then I literally did this to my laptop.

Not long ago I dreamt of Ian Somerhalder!!!!!!

I was being mad clingy and noisy and everything (nothing new there). Then suddenly this unknown bitch from nowhere and trapped me in a cage and I yelled like mad. I also remember pandas, which isn’t surprising at all considering how eco-friendly Ian is.

I don’t think Ian liked me very much though {;_;}
Did he leave with the bitch? Can’t remember!

Based on the theory that dreams = opposite of reality, that means I WILL NEVER GET TO MEET IAN SOMERHALDER *cries my heart out* BUT HE LIKES ME which makes sense because he loves his fans and says we are the best.

This turned out wordier than expected so byebye before I go into Spazzing Mode.

Night bites


  • Today is a good day
  • But I have zero inspiration for both blogging and proper writing
  • Though technically it is already tomorrow
  • Someone left food on my doorstep today
  • Wheee all my favourites
  • Thank you <3
  • Love sweet little gestures
  • And such close friendships
  • Remember the stupid photo of me 2 entries back
  • I planned it to be of me _l_ing with my left hand since only the middle nail was colored
  • But I couldn’t get a good shot
  • Why am I just not photogenic
  • People need to stop thinking that I actually give a shit about most things
  • Or them. And how they feel.
  • I do not… Because who are you?
  • If I did not add you in my private FB and Twitter accounts
  • I probably do not care about you
  • Just because I am civil to you
  • Does not mean I actually like you
  • Comment left by stranger one on of my entries
  • I do not usually get comments from strangers
  • Emailed the person to thank him and forgot all about it
  • Got a reply today and conversed a little
  • Yay new reader
    • Love KIKing with the girls on my new Android phone
    • But it is so hard to use zzzz (I mean the phone)
    • #typingfail
    • Maybe I am just stupid as usual
    • Plus I do not have data plan so it worries me
    • Like will it auto connect to normal data if there’s no wifi?
    • Is free 20MB worth of data = data plan?
    • I don’t think so
    • I like using my old phone better actually
    • My 2 Nokia phones are still in use for different purposes
    • That means I am using 3 phones
    • Because I am awesome
    • Scratch that. At the end of the day I only have one SIM card

    Can it be concluded that I am not cut out for smartphones because I am not smart?